Preaching like a girl

unnamedRace is not the only box that society suggests we come in but there are those who would box up the woman because of her gender.  There are those who still believe that her hands are only useful in the kitchen and that she has no place, no business outside of the home.  It is disappointing to know that women and men still hold the position that women should be kept behind kitchen curtains.  And the perception is not just in homes but in churches.

There are Christians who think that the pulpit is no place for a woman, that we cannot be Mary but Martha only (Luke 10.38-42). This view only complicates those who answer the call to preach and are trying to find their voice.  “Preaching like a girl”,this month’s column at Baptist News Global, discusses the sound of the female preacher and gives voice to those who have answered the call but have trouble speaking up.

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Seeking to lead words and people to their highest and most authentic expression, I am the principal architect of a race/less world.

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