Charleston: A Sign up Sheet

Signup400The details of the shooting in Charleston at the historic Emanuel AME Church continue to unfold.  We had a picture of the suspect and his car.  Then, we had his name: Dylann Moody.  Now, there is a suspect in custody.

The names, pictures and stories of his victims are being released.  In turn, our grief will deepen.  Our anger will sharpen.  Our questions will increase.

What do we do with what we know?  How do we share what we have seen?  And Dr. King’s necessary question, “Where do we go from here?”

This unexplainable tragedy is causing quite a stir within us.  The shaking of one’s faith is applicable as it would seem that the house of God is off limits to such cruelty, that this space is sacred to all.  But, it is not.  And this may cause us to question the will of God and doubt the power of God.  All are valid responses.

We will need time and we will need each other.  So, I would like to begin a sign up sheet.  If you are a saddened by these events, if you are grief counselor, an intercessor, a mediator, a truth- teller, a reconciler, a justice advocate, a historian of race and its progeny, then sign up here.  We need you.

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Seeking to lead words and people to their highest and most authentic expression, I am the principal architect of a race/less world.

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