All Lives Matter?


History is repeating itself right before our eyes and we cannot look away.  Now is not the time to bury our heads in the sand or to take a sick day.  We need to show up with our story and perspective ready to share and ready to accept the story of another.  All ears on deck.

I turn on the news and I turn off the news.  More shootings, more protests and more police officers.  It is stuttering the same sad story about race in America.  I hope that we listen up this time and that we talk to each other– not just across dinner or coffee tables but at work, at the gym, in the grocery store and in church.  We need to talk it out, not fight it out.  Inflicting pain does not open ears.

While the Internet affords us access to a seemingly endless amount of information, it is of no use to us if we do not access it.  Along with the video posted above, here are a few resources that might be of assistance to you, your family, organization and church in light of last week’s tragedies.  Please add to the list via the comment section as I can only click on so many websites.

“Why you should stop saying “all lives matter,” explained in 9 different ways”

These 12 Tweets Expose the Hypocrisy of #AllLivesMatter

Enough Already With ‘All Lives Matter’

Trauma of Racism Report

38 Resources to Help Your Church Start Discussing Race Today

Okay. Now, it’s your turn.






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Seeking to lead words and people to their highest and most authentic expression, I am the principal architect of a race/less world.

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